Brain Haemorrhage Medical Negligence Compensation Claim Solicitors

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Written By BillyRichard

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Almost 750 people in Ireland suffer from a brain haemorrhage each and every year. This serious condition is caused by blood leaking over the brain as a result of the rupture of a blood vessel which may be a naturally occurring event caused as a result of exertion or as a result of a traumatic injury. A brain haemorrhage is a life threatening event with a large proportion of victims failing to survive for 24 hours and those that do often require intensive surgery and a long period in recovery. The most common cause of a brain haemorrhage is due to a burst blood vessel which previously exhibited an aneurism which is a swelling of a weak blood vessel that develops prior to actual rupture. Brain haemorrhages are classified as subarachnoid, subdural or extradural dependent on the source and ultimate destination of the blood escaping from the No Win No Fee Medical Solicitors ruptured blood vessel. If you have suffered personal injury as a result of late diagnosis or mis-diagnosis or negligent treatment of a brain haemorrhage, our medical negligence solicitors are able to assist you. Our specialist personal injury solicitors deal with a wide range of clinical negligence compensation claims involving specialists, consultants, doctors, nurses and technicians in general practice, clinics and hospitals. There is no need for you to fund or finance your brain haemorrhage medical negligence compensation claim and damages are paid in full with no deductions. Win or lose there is no financial risk.

Late Diagnosis – Misdiagnosis – Negligent Treatment

There are a number of situations that may be classified as brain haemorrhage medical negligence in regards to both diagnosis and treatment. If the victim of a brain haemorrhage has not become unconscious within a short period of time, the symptoms of a brain haemorrhage include a severe headache which, notwithstanding the presence of other classical symptoms, is often misdiagnosed, even by very experienced physicians as a simple headache resulting in discharge from A&E with a few painkillers only to see the victim re-admitted unconscious within a few hours. As in many matters relating to serious illness early diagnosis and urgent treatment are key to survival and many victims in this situation die when they would have lived if appropriate treatment had been offered following correct diagnosis when they originally attended A&E with a headache. The other main source of brain haemorrhage medical negligence compensation claims relates to subsequent surgical treatment of a broken blood vessel by clipping the damaged ends. If this surgery is carried out incompetently then the victim may not survive which will inevitably result in a medical negligence compensation claim. Treatment that is alternative to clipping damaged blood vessels known as endovascular surgery which involves coil embolization or coiling, may be used. This process is less invasive and generally thought to be safer in appropriate cases than the open brain surgery required for clipping however things can still go wrong and negligent decisions can still be made by healthcare professionals resulting in a brain haemorrhage medical negligence compensation claim.

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Time Limits

There is a time limit appropriate to all medical negligence compensation claims known as the ‘limitation period’. It is essential that you take legal advice from a medical negligence solicitor as soon as possible after the negligent act. If the matter is not settled or legal proceedings have not been issued in a court of law within the limitation period then the opportunity to claim compensation may have been lost forever. There are exceptions to the general rule for those under the age of 18 years and for the mentally incapacitated. In addition the court has a wide discretion to alter and amend time limits however this discretion is only very rarely exercised except in exceptional circumstances.

Legal Advice

Our specialist medical negligence solicitors are able to deal with a wide range of personal injury compensation claims involving late diagnosis or mis-diagnosis or negligent treatment of a brain haemorrhage. If you have been injured as a result of negligence by a healthcare professional, we can help you to preserve your legal right to compensation. We offer free consultations for advice to find out whether you have a good case, how to go about claiming and how much your compensation might be worth. We will give you clear unequivocal advice about your chances of success and the anticipated value of your claim. If after talking to us you decide not to take your medical negligence compensation claim further you are under no obligation to do so and you will not be charged anything at all.