10 Best designer wallpaper for your Living room

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Written By BillyRichard

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Our living room is the center of our home and the first spot that sets a scene and statement. That being said, it is quite essential to have something to help you achieve a backdrop that will give what you need. Whether you would want to have the traditional style or conventional one, Wallpaper covering does not disappoint as they can offer calming, inspiring, and bold designs you can choose from. 

You have the freedom to go textured, plain, or even as fearless as you want with brand wallpapers that offers big discount yet trusted when it comes to its quality and endurance. In this article, we will discuss why it is wise to get branded wall coverings for your walls and what those designers wallcovering you can check for your living room.

Why Branded Wallpapers?

We have seen many designs online and even in physical stores out there. But when you are looking for sustainability, you should look for those brand wallpapers and get the quality you deserve, particularly in remodeling your living room. 

Aside from the diversity of designs, you can choose from; these branded wallpaper covering can give customers promos and discounts that may help them save money while getting the best deals for their houses. 

As mentioned, these quality wallpaper can offer an unlimited selection of design that is properly categorized by theme and color. Mahones Wallpaper has its known brands like Schumacher wallcovering and Phillip Jeffries wallpaper on their list.

Furthermore, they are removable, meaning easy to install with the peel and stick technology. They are also made and designed for youtube easily remove it once you decided to change the motif and theme for your living room—less commitment to more possibilities of designs for you.

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Top 10 best designer brand you can use for your Living Room

  • Phillip Jeffries Grasscloth Wallpaper

Phillip Jeffries grasscloth is the perfect way to do it for those who want elegance and added texture for their living room walls. With this kind of surface, you can easily create warmth and an inspiring spot in your home with your family. It can deliver a meticulous finish that will enhance your furniture and accessories’ beauty together with lovely lighting in every corner of your room. 

  • Schumacher Wallpapers

If you are looking for a playful collection of designs with depth in its patterns, you can count on Schumacher’s wallcovering; this designer is known for his accent and sophisticated elements on his work. It has a unique print like geometric, flowers, and fashionable designs that can bring out your personality. You can easily match it with the same color of your throw pillows like the image above. A black and white motif can always give you a minimalist look. 

  • Brewster Decadence themed Living Room

One of the go-to design for a traditional theme for a living room is a decadence design or damask like pattern that can be offered by an outstanding brand in the market, Brewster. It gives an instant elegant feel, paired with antiques and old fashioned furniture types that truly can mesmerize anyone that will step into your house and has this sophisticated look you desire. It is not your ordinary house wallpaper.

  • The finest of Thibaut’s Wallcoverings

This brand has its signature touch palettes that are also known for being a traditional style. It offers discounts so you can experience quality wallpaper that suits your living room. You can choose from novelty, classic to tropical patterns, and if you choose Thibaut’s Wallpapers expect beautiful fabric that promises durability. 

  • Norwall Wallpaper
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Norwall wallpapers have numerous collections of designs and are known for their subtle and calming theme you can choose from. This branded wall covering is one of the best options you can take if you are a fan of textured, plaids, and damask design for your rooms. This brand is an expert in creating a more inviting and wonderful place for your family and friends. 

  • Carey Lind Wallpaper Brand

Carey Lind Wallpaper is another brand that you should include on your list. Her design brings calmness and a serene feel plus an adventurous touch because of her colorful combinations of palettes on her work. It also offers the durability that you expect from brands like this. 

  • Kenneth James Wallpaper

Guaranteed quality in your living room walls is the promise of the Kenneth James wallpaper brand. This line has unique patterns and designs that offer a calm environment and sophisticated look because of the fabric used like grasscloth, known for its sustainability. They are also popular for being traditional and classy which is perfect for a living room where the guest is being entertained.

  • Ralph Lauren Wallpaper Brand

If you are into branded wallpaper, you won’t miss Ralph Lauren’s collection. It is a series of selection that always resembles quality and elegance. It is a perfect choice for people who love English inspired homes with a luxurious taste. They have a different theme to offer, from boats, ships, and anchors to stripes and florals accents. 

  • Seabrook Wallpaper Brand

Another high-quality wall covering that suits your living room. This brand ensures their customer that they will get the newest trend in the market and always available for purchase. Seabrook wallpaper brand has a variety of selection, depending on your taste and personality. 

  • Waverly Wallpaper Brand
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Waverly wallpaper also offers traditional and classy designs that can easily transform any living room into an elegant looking place in your home. Its simple yet fashionable design is known for a long time and guarantees sustainability even in your house’s high traffic areas.